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    凌君彦先生是一位视音乐音响为终身事业追求的人,也是新德克电子有限公司的奠基者,在长达二十余年音响器材的研究和开发当中逐步领略到作为再现音乐旋律,制器者本身的音乐素养和专业技术功底是至关重要的。凭着对音乐的热爱及对音响制作理念不断地探索,凌君彦先生在音响技术领域取得了多项技术发明和国家专利。在进军未来的道路上他秉承音乐的本质 —— 旋律,是音乐的灵魂,也是器材的生命这一宗旨创建了自己的音响音乐工作室。本着不断挑战自我,超越自我,更好地服务于广大的音乐音响爱好者,也为了更好地践行自己的使命 —— 打造有情感会歌唱的传世铭器,他将与各位知音朋友继续攀登共同努力。


        Mr. Junyan Ling is a person who regards Music and Audio as a career goal in his life-time. He is also the founder of Chengdu Xindak Electronics Co.,Ltd. For more than 20 years of research and development in audio equipment, he gradually discovered that in order to reappear the melody of music, is it essential for the producer to have good music accomplishment and technical skills. Due to the love of music and the continuous research for concept of audio making, Mr. Junyan Ling had received multiple technical inventions and national patents.

        For the future career roads, he has created a music and audio studio and will persist his belief that the essence of music --- Melody, is the soul of the music, also the life of music equipment. With that belief that he will continuously challenge and surpass himself, and provide better services to the audiophiles, also fulfill his own mission --- which is create classical master pieces, he will be working hard and share valuable experience with all the music lovers.